The Light Rail

Project History

In 2008, voters approved the Sound Transit 2 (ST2) package to extend light rail service north to Lynnwood, known as the Lynnwood Link Extension (LLE). This plan called for two light rail stations in Shoreline, on the east side of Interstate 5 at NE 145th and 185th Streets, anticipated to be operational in 2023. In May 2013, Shoreline kicked off subarea planning for neighborhoods surrounding both future stations. Over the next few years, the City and community developed plans to address land use, transportation, park, and other needs to accommodate projected growth in these areas.

What this means to you as a Home owner...

If you live in one of the below rezone areas below you are probably receiving inquiries regarding selling your property. This is because laws have recently changed allowing zoning to build an apartment building or multiple town homes on single family property.

For more information about uses and standards allowed in mixed-use residential zoning, see:
What New Zoning Designations Mean

If you are thinking about Selling...

Please contact us. We have a group of developers eager to build high density housing near the stations to accommodate the huge population influx into the Seattle/Shoreline area.

Contact Information

Email •

Direct Phone •
Scott: (206)769-1182
Tyler: (206)650-8811

Instagram • Tyler__Anderson___

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